HOW THIS OIL BENEFITS YOU:Red Onion is a great source of Sulfur. Sulfur is found within amino acids, which are components of Keratin. Keratin is known to be sulfur-rich are needed for growing strong hair. When added to the hair & scalp, This Oil can provide extra sulfur to support strong & thick hair, thus helps to stop hair loss and promoting hair growth. Sulfur from this oil also helps to promote collagen production. Collagen in turn helps the production of healthy skin cells & hair growth. HOW TO USE: Apply oil on tip of your fingers and rub it gently on the base of your hair enabling it to penetrate in to the roots of your hair. Leave it overnight or for few hours. Wash with your Herbal Shampoo or prefer a natural shampoo i.e. The Indie Earth Red Onion Shampoo. Daily use for a minimum of 2-3 weeks. For Enhanced Benefits, Wrap Your Hair In a Moist Hot Towel For 15-20 Minutes After Massage.
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